As you can see, fathers and sons was the funnest event EVER in Jaden's life! Alright, it was pretty fun, but I bet fifteen minutes with a Thomas train beats the event for him. On Friday night I had the opportunity to take my boy camping for the very first time! It was a lot of fun, but I won't say it was the most comfortable night of sleep in my life. We went to a campground that is up the canyon, only about twenty minutes to get there, it is very beautiful up there. Our camping area was by a small stream, and after a quick bite to eat and an adventure putting our tent up, we went exploring. Actually, we only made it as far as the stream where Jaden had a lot of fun crossing the stream. After he accidentally stepped in it and got six inches of his pants wet he didn't seem to be enjoying it quite as much, so we found some rocks for him to throw into the deeper areas of the stream. The campfire scene was fun, but a little dry so Jaden soon volunteered to go to bed. I went to check on him after he had been in bed for fifteen minutes and he convinced me to stay for a while. He has such a sweet persuasive manner of doing things. Instead of whining, he just gave me a hug and wouldn't let go, then proceeded to offer me a pillow to lay by him.
In the middle of the night, Jaden woke up and was freezing, so I let him slide into my sleeping bag...BIG mistake in terms of sleep. The rest of the night I had his cute head cutting off circulation in my arm, and his sharp heels digging in to my thighs. Needless to say, we were the first ones up in the camp.
This week we probably did some other exciting things, but I can't really remember at this point. We are excited to see all of you for the sealing this Saturday, that is going to be the greatest thing ever!
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