My Reasons?:
- Anyone who enjoys photography automatically considers themselves a photographer
- In Utah county if you mention photography, everyone automatically asks if she'll do a wedding
- In Utah county If you do a wedding for someone you "know," you automatically must discount your rates and deal with ornery mothers
Nell is busy, busy, busy completing her show that runs for two weeks beginning October 2. If anyone reading this is interested the reception will be October 6 from 7-9 in the Harris Fine Arts Center (HFAC) at BYU. Her show is really neat (yeah, I'm biased) and is entitled "Missing," come and see what it's all about.
This week I decided to dye my hair a darkish brown, it's always fun to have a change and both Nell and I really like it. Although it was not the pure motive, it is pretty fun to tell people that it is to prevent people from asking where Jaden got his dark hair from. My website is also growing day to day with new products being added.

Jaden is still the cutest kid in the ward to us, and we think it's cool to watch him. We have noticed a few kids in the ward have tried the "faux hawk"(his hair-do) with varying degrees of success. Fortunately, as the originator of the trend, credit is always given to Jaden, hence we hear "you did your hair like Jaden." I don't know how 17 year olds feel about having their hairstyle compared to a 4 year olds, but that's alright. Speaking of hair, last week after a quick run out the door, Jaden realized that instead of creating his usual hair-do, Nell and I had kept it down with a quick part. As we approached the glass doors to the church, he began to grab at his hair and pull it up "Mommy, my hair is broken," he said, we just laughed.
Nellie and I both have new callings since last I updated anything to do with that. Nellie is an advisor in the Beehives (the 12 and 13 girls in church) and loves it. She takes multiple hours getting her ornate lessons ready, and I know the girls love it. I on the other hand am serving as a counselor in the Elder's Quorum. I enjoy it, and the President is really on the ball, so it makes it fun to do our job. Nell has been supportive which is good because it means a bit more time away from the house.
The house should soon be moving along a lot better, I leveled a mound in our front yard on Saturday, but didn't get much else done. We're going to have some guys cut some holes in our basement and that should get us off to a good pace again.
That's about life for now, in parting I will mention that Jaden's new favorite phrases right now are "oh, DANGIT!"(and he really isn't mad when he uses this), "Honey..." and "oh my gosh!" (ditto on anger not being present at its use).