I like to follow some of my friends blogs, it's fun to see what they are up to, the adventures that they've had. What I've noticed about their blogs vs. mine? Most of my friends are constantly updating their blogs, while mine waits. So, in lieu of writing about current events...I'm going to write a year in review, prior to Christmas, that is neither chronological, nor necessarily interesting.
(drum roll please.....)
New York City (and don't forget North Carolina) Trip- July
In the fair month of July, our family went to visit some good friends in North Carolina. We were there over the Fourth of July and it was a lot of fun to get to the east coast again. Some highlights: Eva's first plane ride, and oh what fun that was for Nell, a jaunt to Beaufort, NC - former home of Blackbeard the pirate (right next to Morehead City), and some private time for Nellie and I. You see, our friends are awesome and allowed us to leave Scott and Eva with them so we could go to New York City for a few days.
New York was great, if I had it to do again, I wouldn't have gone inside the Guggenheim. Love the building, not really a fan of the exhibit. Nor, would I have gone to the top of the Empire States Building.... can you say line up, line down, line all around? I also would have worn better shoes, I did more walking than expected.
Top 5 New York:
1 Museums (again, minus the Guggenheim): The Met was amazing...I think it could be classified as a whole city of art. I need to go back just to spend more time looking at their exhibits. MOMA was also great, even though "Starry Night" was out on tour.
2 Running in Central Park. Man, that place was like a runners oasis! I have never had so much fun on a run by myself...I was never really alone. Seven miles didn't seem like enough, but for my stupid injured (at-the-time) knee, it was more than enough.
3 Broadway. We only got to see one musical, because we weren't there long enough, but The Little Mermaid was far more entertaining than it should have been for this guy.
4 Circle line boat tour. We took the Circle Line all around the island, it was really a lot of fun to do those incredibly touristy things...
5 Food: Man, there is so much to eat...and it all tastes good (I do exaggerate occasionally).
Our trip was great, we loved getting to spend time with friends and doing some exploring. I think Nellie mostly liked the shopping....I enjoyed the time we got stuck coming back from New York to N.C. and had to shell out a few hundred extra dollars to get back to our kids (who we actually really missed.)
Overall Grade: A
Crossing the bridge to Emerald Isle, N.C.
Stereotypical/artsy picture of Times Square
Nellie and I atop the world's most boring line (The Empire States Building)
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