Thursday, October 05, 2006

Nellie's Birthday

Happy Birthday Janelle! Can you believe it? Nell is 25! That means that together we now add up to 50 years of total wisdom. I hope it is a good birthday for Janelle, we are happy that she has made it this far.

This has been another fun and demanding couple of weeks. Most of the last couple of weeks has found Nellie frantically at work getting her Photography Show finished up. It is now up at the HFAC, or Harris Fine Arts Center, at BYU and will be up until the 14th of this month. If you are around, I strongly encourage you to go see it because it is simply amazing! (of course, there is some bias in my statement)

Jaden has been excite
d helping to get ready for mom's birthday. Last week I was discussing with him what we should get mommy for her birthday. First came "birthday cake," then "thomas birthday cake," but when he realized that might not be mom's style, he finished with "basketball cake!" (which sounded more like baks-et-ball) So, yesterday as they were walking to the library, Jaden spilled our secret to Nellie: "mom, your birthday, basketball cake!" No word on what kind of cake Nellie will be enjoying, but I don't know if I can carry on with our plans now that Jaden has spilled our secret.

The other night I had one of the best moments in my life. Of course, Nellie is Jaden's favorite parent by
FAR which is what makes this moment so special. Nellie and I were watching a movie, when Jaden got out of bed to go to the bathroom. He came in and sat on my lap for a few minutes before going back to bed. I had to move him off my lap in order to do something else for a moment. When I got back to the couch, Jaden left his mommies lap to lay in my arms. There was something that hit me about the way he wanted his dad that really threw me for a loop. Looking back, even trying to write about it, it seems silly and unremarkable, but for that moment it was one of the best of my life.