Monday, April 24, 2006

Family Home Evening

Tonight we sat down for family home evening, always an ordeal in our house. Family home evening is where we try to spend some time learning about the gospel and how our family can be better and closer. It seems like Nell and I must be paying for how we behaved as children during family home evening. Jaden bounces off the walls and has a hard time concentrating on anything for longer than half a second. The highlight was when we sang "I Hope they Call me on a Mission," Jaden knows about half the words, and he catches up on some when they have already been sung. It is cute, and sometimes he tells me "Daddy, I go mission!" For instance I asked if he wanted to go to bed the other day and he said, "no, I go mission." One day he'll realize what he is actually asking for.

We went to the grocery store to do some shopping and get ice cream for family home evening treat. Unfortunately we listened to Jaden when he told us he wanted chocolate, and by the end of our store round he was pretty well marked. I wonder why vanilla ends up so much cleaner.

Jaden turns into a monster when its time to go to sleep. Tonight he screamed and screamed, but the trend is that when he gets overly upset, it is when he falls asleep the fastest. I think he is at his cutest in his sleep.

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